The overall responsibility for Health & Safety at PRN Hygiene Services is Paul Ness who is the owner of the company. He has over 20 years experience and has experience of running large specialist cleaning contracts for major clients, examples of which are MOD Establishments, MET Police Establishments, Heathrow Airport and London Underground.
PRN Hygiene Services have a comprehensive Health & Safety Policy that is available to view by any prospective client.
All controls regarding the formation of Method Statements, Material Data Sheets, Risk Assessments, Safe System of Work Sheets and COSHH sheets are under constant revenue and would be produced for each individual task undertaken. These are fully explained to all staff and are provided for each job application.
PRN Hygiene Services is totally committed to ensure our employees are working in a safe manner and regular management checks are carried out to ensure employees are carrying out the various tasks in a safe and correct manner.
All staff at PRN Hygiene Services has to undergo initial job training when joining the company and regular updates if new equipment or processes are changed.
PRN Hygiene Services staff attend specific training courses when working on certain projects i.e. all staff working on London Underground attend a Entry Permit/Fire Core Training Course, others that work in confined space attend Confined Space Training. All training is carried out by fully certificated training companies with expertise in the various areas employees are to be trained.
PRN Hygiene Services controls on-site working by having a designated site supervisor to oversee Health & Safety matters. Regular management visits are made to ensure all activities undertaken are carried out in a safe manner.
All Health & Safety matters are under constant revue.
Annual revisions and updates to any procedures associated with Health & Safety are under the guidance of various Health & Safety organisations. PRN Hygiene Services are affiliated to Safecontractor and CHAS.
Call our team on +44 (0) 1923 718 740 or email for your free quote.